The first day of summer marks the beginning of a glorious time, 500 Taco Summer. Between today and September 23 I will be consuming 500 tacos, that averages out to 5.319148936170213 tacos per day. Easy.
Right now, you're either wondering, 'why the fuck would someone do this?' or 'why the fuck am I NOT doing this?' If you're in the first category and you don't understand... well, I'm not going to try to explain it, you'll never get it. If you're in the latter category you'll probably want to know the rules.
Its pretty simple, eat 500 tacos during the summer! There's a few more specific rules, but they're pretty simple; it must actually be a taco to count (no taco flavored stuff, no taco salad, no gyros, burritos, etc.). A single taco served on two tortillas can be split in two and counted as two tacos. Apparently an occasional taquito is OK though I think I will avoid those as I'm not a huge fan. Choco tacos are, in fact, tacos.
How did I stumble into such a glorious challenge? Credit for that goes to my good friend Travis who will be joining me in this great venture. I've managed to convince at least one other friend, and possibly a few others to join us, as well. Now, on to the filling of this taco adventure! Day one taco reports.
I was going to awake early this morning for some chorizo breakfast tacos, however I was scheduled for work at 8 and didn't wake up until 7:20, not leaving much time for taco prep. I was out the door and craving delicious tacos until lunch time at 12:30. The four and half hours of work were torture, I counted every second to 12:30, when I ran upstairs, clocked out and made my way to the taco truck across the street on the corner of 145th and 15th. I ordered 2 pastor, 2 carne asada, 1 cabeza and 1 double-decker carne asada (free with 5 regular tacos!). Soooo good, only $8, too! As per the rules, I split the double-decker in two, I could have done so with all 6, but I felt they were better as singles.
Taco count: 7
2 pastor, 2 carne asada, 1 cabeza, 1 double-decker carne asada. |
Afterwork, Steve my friend from work whom I've included in this adventure reminded me of the chaco taco rule, so we went to the freezer section of the store we work in and were successful in finding chaco tacos! $2.50 for a box of 4, SOLD!
Taco count: 8
Chaco, mother-fuckin', taco! |
One nice thing about the taco is its versatility. Leaving work, I was in such a chaco taco induced euphoria I forgot to do any shopping. No problem, though, I had most of a roast chicken that needed using in my fridge, so, guess what's for dinner? That's right, chicken tacos! Chop that chicken up, add some onions and seasoning some water and oil and simmer that shit for about an hour. The result, four delicious chicken tacos! Paired that with a nice summer beer, Boulevard Brewing's Boss Tom's golden bock.
Taco count: 12
Homemade chicken tacos on the deck in the sun! |
I think that's about all I'm going to do for day one, I feel 12 was a good opener. Not too glutinous, but still well above par. My plan for day two include actually having some of those chorizo breakfast tacos! Tomorrow's goal is a reasonable 8 tacos.